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Simplified COO - Kevin Wheeler

Writer's picture: Hollywood MagazineHollywood Magazine

Building Better Business with Kevin Wheeler  of Simplified COO
Building Better Business with Kevin Wheeler of Simplified COO

Building Better Business with Kevin Wheeler

Q. Please tell us what you do in 3 words

Enhance people’s lives.

Q. Best piece of advice for Entrepreneur in 2023.

Ask yourself this question, “why would somebody pass up three relevant professionals or businesses to seek you (your) business out for support?” if we’re doing this we are focusing on the right objective. No matter what profession you were in, you are faced with that your business is #1 a behavioral art and 2nd your main objective in 2023. I work with a lot of dental professionals, and I asked them to be operating your businesses knowing two things potential patients are passing three dental offices to get to your office. Why did they do this? What can we do to ensure that they know they made the right decision?

Q. Who was that one person in your life that never gave up on you? How did this shape your career?

Myself. Sure I had individuals that stood by my side through successes and failures, but did they truly ever identify with me? Truly, you are faced with three types of people in your life. Confidence, constituents, and comrades. Confidence are those people that follow you no matter what you do or what you stand for. You were lucky if you have one of those in your life ever. Constituents or people to follow why you do something. They are with you for your cause. If they identify with someone else, they will leave you. Comrades are people that are with you for what you stand against. They like to fight. Important thing is to know who you have surrounding you and not get one confuse for the other.

Q. If you could travel back to 2022 and change one thing, what would it be and why?

I would’ve spoke more truths. So often we stand quiet when we’re faced for something that we don’t identify with or were uncomfortable to share. We think being silent is diplomatic, but is just missed the opportunity to speak our truth.

Q. How does your job make the world a better place?

I think anytime you’re focused on making other peoples lives better you were in line with making the world a better place. I am in the business of procuring hope. Is my job to take somebody’s vision and make it a reality. I happen to do this for Dental business owners, but I have done it in many other fields. These owners are entrepreneurs and true visionaries. What they lack is an implementor to make their visions come true. I also integrate my own love of giving back to those in need. Through reciprocity I engage business owners to give back to the communities that they serve. To rise above what they do and show their clientele and their community that they stay in for more than just what their business offers. In 2022, I helped 10 businesses achieve their ultimate goals. The goals that they shared with me were important to them. In addition to that, the same groups gave back at value of $200,000 to the communities they serve.

Q. How does it make you feel knowing you've helped someone find a measure of success, joy or happiness in their life as a direct result of your work?

When I help people find some measure of success, joy, or happiness in their life, I fulfill my own purpose. Not my passions. In my opinion, passions are things that come from the ability to engage hobbies. My purpose is to enrich others around me.

Q. Can you share a story about the time a client made you smile?

I do part of my work as a fractional chief operations officer. I had a dental business client that was succeeding, leaps, and bounds to as we moved through our three-year engagement. Each year we broke new revenue goals, and this owner was able to buy more offices to join his group. This business owner engaged an investment group they told him he needed to separate from a fractional COO and acquire a full-time “boots on the ground COO”. The business owner separated ties with me and hired a Chiefs operation officer that this investment group suggested. Over the next year‘s sales plummeted. Morale shrunk and this individual stole $100,000 from the business owner. After the owner finally got the clarity he needed and terminated the COO. He reached out to me. I flew out to him and we met face-to-face. It’s probably not what you were thinking from the opening of this question, but as I approached him, walking down the street, his face lit up, we embraced, and as we hugged, he said, “thank you for coming back.” we met for about an hour, and agreed to work together again. He told me because his financial situation he could not afford to bring me back on in the same capacity that he would pay me to be a part of his group. It was like bringing to family members back together. I was honored to see that smile, and the sense of relief that he had upon my reengagement.

Q. When people work with you, what should they expect?

People that work with me should expect to see results. It is my job to make their vision, goals, and dreams come true. I love to share my sense of humor in all attributes of my business. That being said, I am no nonsense about executing at a high-level. people that work with me should expect empathy. I will listen to what their needs are, and make sure that they feel good about the success that they are achieving. We must do things the right way, and for the right reasons. I tell my clients it’s important that we feel good as we succeed. That we feed our souls, and that we make those around us better. People that work with me should expect that everyone else in the company will be able to achieve their own success. And their own successes will tie in to the company vision.


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