Can the United Nations stop religiously incited terrorist attacks from ISIS?

Freedom of religion has been as basic human right since the founding of the United States and by extension, is a firmly established freedom under all present democracies around the world.
With the recent terrorist attacks in London, the threat by ISIS against the capital of the United States and ISIS members destroying a Catholic church in the Philippines, world leaders may be beginning to wonder if their interpretation of freedom of religion needs to be adjusted to fit with the changing times.
The fact that all people have the right to worship any God they want is evident, however, some world leaders may be wondering if allowing the major religions of the world to continue to openly congregate in public, presents a serious threat to national security.
Where one peaceful group gathers, governments now have to worry about radicals from an opposing religions bring harm and acting on terrorist propaganda.
The United Nations has long been a tool utilized by the government of the world to assist in terminating world conflicts. Their overall goal after the end of WW II was to negotiate during world conflicts and help bring about world peace. Despite being around for over 70 years, the UN has thus far failed to bring about any peace.
The United Nations has long talked about religious reform. They even went so far as to require the Vatican to change their policies as it relates to their dealings with children. Giving them a deadline of 2017 to implement changes yet outlying no consequence that would follow if the Vatican failed to change their policies. They have failed to act on that issue thus far beyond words and have yet to effectively deal with the terrorist threat of ISIS and future would be imitators.
Some good question to ask though is can governments fully grant freedom of religion to its citizens and still regulate how, where and if people congregate publicly, in the interest of national security? What major role if any do religions play in regards to international conflict and terrorism? Will the United Nation step up their efforts to bring about a tangible solution to world conflicts? Will the UN ever be able to reach their goal of attaining world peace? The answers to those questions, for many, still remain to be seen.